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Idomageh's Blog

I am that_idomageh, I love reading books, coffee, plants and nature. I look at life from every perspective visible to me. I am a medical doctor, I aspire not only to help heal bodies but boost self confidence and inspire personal growth.

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Tales from the Past 

Tales from the Past These past few months, I have been working on updating and trying to get  a better payment method for the blog

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Life Talks

The subscription trap

Are you a subscriber? Hi guys, sending you lots of love today’s. Today there is a video attached to this post. Yep clap for me

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The 6:16am call

An odd thing happened today, a call came in at 6:16am. Hello , I said, help please! a voice replied peaches (not a real name

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Bad decisions

Hello. Longest time, Taking a walk this morning I reflected on a lot that has happened in my life in recent times. Mostly on the

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Life Talks

Goodbyes 👋🏻

Good morning, today I am feeling a bit under the weather . How are you? (Reply in the comments below). Saying a final goodbye is

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River Nile

I fell in love with this place First it was scary but a beautiful sight to behold For long she was close to me but

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