A man who can be all macho and strong but still tender and gentle
A man who the world can’t contend with but still bend to the will of his seeds
He does it all out of love
He is not one to boast
He goes on working , for those he love
He makes sure no one lacks
He provides daily bread and sometimes additional butter
Dad shows no weakness
Dad never gets sick
He is always the hero
So the ladies will say;
All men are scum except Dad
All men are animals except Dad
All men do is break your heart except Dad
But Dad is also a man, and that’s the part we do not get to see
We only see;
Dad as the hero
Dad as the provider
Dad as the counselor
Dad as the protector
The one who never gets tired
But dad gets tired
Dad feels hurt, Dad feels pain
Dad gets sick
Dad gets depressed
He just doesn’t say it
He is Dad and much is expected
Look out for Dad as he does for you
Dad also needs caring and loving
So remember to give back to Dad💕
Pick up your phone and give dad a call.
Hug your dad today and appreciate him ..