

The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

    It’s 2025, and somehow in Nigeria every year there is a theme or let’s say mantra.

    Who makes these mantras and how it is agreed upon is still a mystery..

    Last year, 2024 it was “No gree for anybody” so to say, one should not allow him/herself to be worked on or disrespected.

    This year 2025 it’s “Dey for who dey for you” so to say, match energies, be there for who is there for you, love who loves you and so on.

    I find these mantras, entertaining and somewhat fun but this year I find myself disagreeing with this.

    That’s why I titled this post empathy, we might not know what others are going through or why they could not be there for us at the moment we needed them.

    As a generation that prioritize mental health, are we loosing empathy along with the process of protecting our peace?

    Luke 6:32 tells us of what reward do we get if we love those who love us ..

    It hurts to have your expectations crushed but, let’s take time to ask ourselves, if and why we really want to follow this mantra.

    You can help others and expect nothing in return.

    I need to have boundaries Idomageh you may say, Yes I agree. Boundaries doesn’t mean intentionally letting those close to you wallow in whatever struggle they are going through.

    You don’t need to be involved actively in helping people, recommend them to those who can. Do your part in a healthy way.

    You might need to take the first step to be there for those you want to be there for you in return.

    Be empathetic in 2025.

    Reach out,

    Call more ,

    Make dinner for someone,

    Send that text message,

    Love more,

    Heal your soul and maybe that of another.

    2 thoughts on “Empathy 🦋”

    1. “in the last days the love of many will wax cold” . This was a warning in the bible, though a fact but was also written for us to take note not to become loveless. I tell my self, the love you’re looking for give it our first.

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