My dear reader, I know you might think this girl is at it again. Before that , how are you? How has life been treating you?

I want you to know that , it gets better.

The wildlife park in Jos the capital of plateau state was open in 1972 by governor Joseph Gomwalk. It is said to be one of the biggest, if not the biggest natural wildlife park in Nigeria.

We all know the state of our dear country, the wildlife park wasn’t spared.

It’s still an affordable place to go to as it’s gate fee is 200naira. In 2024! I applaud the ministry of tourism of plateau state.

Visiting this place was a bittersweet experience. The wildlife park has had her own share of wildlife getting loose.

A lion was said to have escaped the park but was captured by locals and it was eaten. Poor cat! Next was a hyena, not to worry it was tracked down, tranquilized and returned to the park.

The sweet part was it’s natural state! The park is populated by pine trees, which provide shades. I was told picnics and parties are a usual occurrence amongst these trees.

It depends on what you like but I believe the star of the park is it’s elephant. Donated to the park in the year 1988, she is said to be the one left of a pair.

Let’s just call Giwa, she is an African savanna elephant who has developed a taste for sweet things and peanuts. Trying to interact with her at first was futile, she rejects random leaves passed to her as she throws them away with her trunk . Most animals in the park are like Giwa, they have developed habits of requesting for treats and snacks .

A ranger, I will call him that for the sake of this post, because he works there suggested we buy her some snacks. She is cultured, and it’s rude to visit without gifts.

Who says no to ice cream anyway !
I think she prefers peanuts to icecream.

Please note, do not feed animals at the zoo or wildlife park unless you have been allowed to and under supervision.

There is said to be a forest behind the park and some monkeys come visiting the park from there. These are allowed to roam freely.

Other animals at the park were;

Black crown crane
This is what some of you look like when you beg !

The park had a few more birds, reptiles and other animals I didn’t take pictures of. They are better seen in real life!

Can you name the few I posted?

The ostrich at the snake farm in keffi I visited were more interactive than these of the wildlife park. You can read about the wildlife park by clicking

The bitter part of this visit was the state of its infrastructure , just like most tourist locations I have visited in Nigeria. It’s seems these places have seen better days and are gradually dying out.

This is a plea to our friends who are in charge of the culture and tourism sector to please keep these places alive for us. They remind us of how beautiful the world can be.

For some of us it keeps us grounded.

These are places we can all donate to, Nigeria is a beautiful place… Let’s make our home better. Let’s patronize our own tourist attractions.

Would you be interested in taking a tour soon? If yes you can send me an email using our email contact.

2 thoughts on “Jos Wildlife Park.”

  1. This was a really beautiful read…I’d love to take you to more natural sceneries within the beautiful state of Plateau .

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